Friday, July 13, 2012

Dangerous Acidic Chemicals in FAST FOODS

Disgusting Dangerous Acidic Chemicals in FAST FOODS
Do you put dimethylpolysiloxane, an anti-foaming agent made of silicone, in your chicken dishes? How about tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), a chemical preservative so deadly just five grams can kill you?
This sentiment was echoed by Federal Judge Robert Sweet in a lawsuit against the restaurant chain in 2003: "Chicken McNuggets, rather than being merely chicken fried in a pan, are a McFrankenstein creation of various elements not utilized by the home cook."
Time Magazine reported that Judge Sweet "questioned whether customers understood the risks of eating McDonald's chicken over regular chicken." Seven years later, I still wonder whether McDonald's customers truly understand the risks of consuming fast food on a regular basis. If you missed Morgan Spurlock's documentary "Super-Size Me," I highly recommend you watch this real-life illustration of just how dangerous an excessive fast food diet can be. And excessive is likely far less than you imagine: Eating fast food just twice a week doubles your risk of developing insulin resistance, compared to eating it only once a week. (Insulin resistance one of the primary driving factors behind most Western diseases, from diabetes to cancer to heart disease.)
The truth is, McDonald's fare contains non-food ingredients that can seriously harm your health. This shouldn't come as any great surprise. After all, how healthful can something be that shows no signs of decomposing after being left on a counter for more than a decade? According to McDonald's, their chicken nuggets are "made with white meat, wrapped up in a crisp tempura batter." But as Organic Authority pointed out in a recent article, these nuggets are a far cry from what you might expect. So what are dimethyl polysiloxane and tertiary butylhydroquinone? • Dimethyl polysiloxane is a type of silicone with anti-foaming properties used in cosmetics and a variety of other goods like Silly Putty. • Tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) is a petroleum-based product with antioxidant properties.
TBHQ, typically listed as an "antioxidant," is a synthetic chemical with antioxidant properties -- not a natural antioxidant. TBHQ prevents oxidation of fats and oils, extending shelf life of processed foods. Commonly used in processed foods of all kinds, it's also found in varnishes, lacquers, pesticide products, cosmetics, and perfumes to reduce the evaporation rate and improve stability. At its 19th and 21st meetings, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives determined that TBHQ was safe for human consumption at levels of 0-0.5 mg/kg of body weight. However, the Codex commission later reset the limits to between 100 and 400 mg/kg, depending on the food it's in. That's quite a discrepancy in supposedly "safe" limits! (Chewing gum contains the highest levels of TBHQ.) So is the safe level zero or 400 mg/kg? Who knows? According to A Consumer's Dictionary of Food Additives, one gram of TBHQ can cause: • Nausea • Vomiting • Ringing in the ears (tinnitus) • Delirium • Sense of suffocation • Collapse Based on animal studies, health hazards associated with TBHQ include: • liver effects at very low doses • positive mutation results from in vitro tests on mammalian cells • biochemical changes at very low doses • reproductive effects at high doses The good news is it's not suspected to be a persistent toxin, meaning your body is probably able to eliminate it so it doesn't bio-accumulate. I recently commented on how McDonald's food seems to remain impervious to degradation, as if it's been embalmed to stay fresh forever! After sitting on a shelf for 14 years, the hamburger bun has yet to develop a single trace of mold or even shrivel.
If you read the list of ingredients in these buns, this mysterious mummification becomes less of a mystery: • calcium sulfate (Plaster of Paris) • calcium carbonate (Antacid) • ammonium sulfate (Harmful if swallowed) • ammonium chloride (Causes irritation to the gastrointestinal tract. Symptoms include nausea, vomiting and diarrhea) • calcium propionate (Preservative) • sodium propionate (Mold inhibitor) That these foods don't decompose is a clear sign that they aren't real foods, and should not be part of your diet. (Always remember that wholesome, health-promoting food is "live" food, and the hallmark of live food is that it will decompose.) The bottom line is, if you want to stay healthy, and keep your children healthy, it is best to avoid both fast food and other processed foods, and invest time in cooking from scratch.
Ideally, you'll want to consume as much whole, raw, organic and/or locally grown foods as possible. That's why so many people like vegetable juicing. You're consuming living raw food! Most vegetables also have very low carbohydrate levels that minimally disturb insulin metabolism -- another important trait of a healthful diet. I also believe optimal health is largely dependent on eating the right foods for your nutritional type. To find out your type, visit my Nutritional Typing test. If you're hooked on fast food and other processed foods, please review my recent article "How to Wean Yourself Off Processed Foods in 7 Steps." And if you have children, remember that home-cooked meals can have far reaching benefits, even to your future grandchildren. It's now well known that dietary changes can prompt epigenetic DNA changes that can be passed on to future generations.
So, making wise food decisions can literally "override" genetic predispositions for disease. STOP EATING PROCESSED FOODS (CHEMICLAS) and FAST FOODS - Made to MAX PROFITS at YOUR HEALTH EXPENSE !!!
If you need help determining what foods are healthful, please review the shopping guidelines listed at the end of this recent article.
Follow Dr. Joseph Mercola on Twitter:

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Cancer $200 Billion + Growing - WHY ? Revenues for AMA & Related

Why has/is cancer growing to a $200+ billion MONSTER and why has Dr. Otto Warburg been ignored as he announced a cancer cure 80+ years ago?
Quality Man/Dr. is a 1931 Nobel prize winner 2nd Nobel Priz stopped by Nazis MANY forms of cancer are growing. Media news say it is now affecting 1 in 3 and may be reaching 1 in 2. Estimated to be a near $200 Billion killing machine. orchestrated and run by the American Medical Assoc. ("AMA"). Some say cancer is growing because of the food supply, chemicals in foods, pesticides, bombardment of wireless signals, cell phones, microwaves, nuclear leaks, & more! We are being wired for wireless globally. Governments are opening new communication spectrums. How many lose jobs if the acidic vs alkaline cure is accepted broadly, be the AMA & related. Towards the end of the war, when the outcome was unmistakable, Albert Einstein, who had been a friend of Warburg's father Emil, wrote Warburg at the behest of friends, asking him to leave the army and return to academia, since it would be a tragedy for the world to lose his talents. Einstein and Warburg later became friends, and Einstein's work in physics had great influence on Otto's biochemical research.
Reality is that we are becoming more ACIDIC due to chemical infested foods. Many folks would say" probably not" as they are Brainwashed by a revenue driven massive marketing effort by those that benefit, including Large food cos, Big Pharma, AMA, etc, ALL with highly paid Lobbyists & indentured Politicians. Let us look what a 1931 Nobel prize winner had to say about the root of cancer. Dr. Otto Warburg stated that healthy tissues are alkaline whereas cancerous tissues are ACIDIC. Cancer does not survive in an alkaline state. “Cancerous tissues are acidic, whereas healthy tissues are alkaline. Water splits into H+ and OH- ions, if there is an access of H+, it is acidic; if there is an excess of OH- ions, then it is alkaline”. Not being an AMA indentured slave I don/t give any medical advice, just provide what I, & others did & accomplished. I have found many Blogs & articles like "will baking soda and maple syrup cure cancer". There's always something about "alkaline" in these success stories.
Dr. Warburg said. "Cancer does not survive in a body in an alkaline state" back in 1923. So should we think all seek to ALKALINE the body? "Dr. Otto knew the root cause many decades ago? Healing and Curing are NO NO's with the AMA, as is identifying the CAUSES of Illnesses and Diseases. These alkaline realities would COLLAPSE the Medical Monster & Destroy the AMA. Many have demonstrated that ACIDIC conditions are the foundation of all diseases, funguses, illnesses, & acidic requires us to CLEAN, and make safe all swimming pools. The recommended pH level for swimming pools is between 7.2 and 7.8.ideal target of 7.4. If the pH of the swimming pool water is too low (acidic)? The swimming pool water becomes corrosive and will dissolve any metal pool equipment it comes in contact with. As the corrosion occurs, sulphates are formed and can cause staining of the swimming pool surfaces. Chlorine becomes very ineffective and it can become difficult to keep the swimming pool sanitized. Swimmers may experience burning in the eyes and nose and dry and itchy skin.