Monday, December 10, 2012

Beat Cancer GO ALKALINE Acidic is BAD

Alkaline vs. Acidic Environment 3-16-2014

An IMPORTANT condition - the environment of your body! What’s the difference between an acidic and an alkaline environment? Importantly, if your body is highly acidic, cancer cells can thrive. Please be aware, it’s not just about the food that goes in that effects your body’s pH balance….it’s about everything that goes in, on, and comes out of or comes near your body. Stress, pollutants, toxins, chemicals in Packaged and Fast foods…can all make the body more acidic.
A healthy pH is about 30% acid and 70% alkaline or about 7.3 pH. Processed, Fast and overly cooked foods, meat, cheese, caffeine, nicotine, white bread, and alcohol all reverse this proportion, creating a high acid state, affecting all your body’s systems and their ability to function. All studies indicate this reality, there isn’t a person in a diseased state that is not highly acidic. If food is not fully digested, it will create, and become waste, in the blood stream, thereby increasing the acid level in the body. Pain in the body can also be caused by acidic accumulations throughout the nervous system. Dr. Otto Warburg identified cancer cause in 1930's, received a Noble Prize, was taught in Med schools, and then terminated as a NO HEAL - NO Cure - Never seek the  Cause of Illnesses IS BAD FOR Drug cos. & Medical revenue streams !
In 1931, Otto Warburg won the Noble Peace Prize for discovering that cancer thrives in an anaerobic (without oxygen) environment and is also due to a lack of oxygen at the cellular level. This condition damages cells, resulting in low pH (acidity) at the cellular level. This was over 75 years ago! Well, in 2014, why, still, are doctors, the AMA & related not testing the pH of their patients routinely? Don Porter (who beat stage IV metastisized cancer 7+ years ago) states in his Blogs & Presentations that we should be teaching children about the pH index of foods and that the pH index should be printed on the label of our foods in addition to calories and nutrients. Also teaching the critical importance of DIET in all of our schools. Lemon, he says, is one of the most alkalizing fruits. Doesn’t seem right - right?  Lemon equals acid to mast people. That’s why I put lemon in my teas - Kukicha, Bancha, etc.    Scientific Fact - Alkaline cell environment CAUSES more oxygen TO ENTER CELLS,  oxygen IS FATAL TO CANCER CELLS, ALONG WITH OTHER DISEASE CELLS !

Steve Meyerowitz, in his book Wheatgrass, Nature’s Finest Medicine says, “Wheatgrass…is a potent restorer of cellular and blood alkalinity..” Greens make the body more alkaline. Consuming large amounts of dark leafy greens. The only logical way I can see that happening for most of us is juicing the greens. Juicing can neutralize the acidic body. If you are eating large amounts of greens, don’t forget to chew thoroughly, making liquid in your mouth before swallowing! How about cucumber, celery and cabbage juice? All great for balancing the pH levels, which will dramatically increase energy and well being. No Packaged or Fast foods, minimize sodas, dairy, red meat & go Organic that is very important to minimize chemicals in foods that are not normal to our immune systems. Please Note ---- Foods are made to: • Look Good • Smell Good • Taste Good • Be Addictive • And Last a LONG Time in Transit, Warehouses, shelves etc
What can you do to bring your body to an alkaline state? If you want to cure yourself from any dis-ease in the body, you must get the toxins out and stop putting them in there, eliminate the emotional and mental stress (mostly unconscious), and work on the electromagnetic chaos that you are exposing yourself to. Minimizing these things will bring your body pH to an alkaline state where it is almost impossible for disease to exist. Drinking wheatgrass and other veggies/fruits also help. What, besides food, can make your body more alkaline? Don says, receiving or giving a hug, laughing (go rent or watch a funny movie), being in nature, walking, singing (in the shower or in the car), Laughing, and many others. ENJOY Life !
According to the National Cancer Institute, as much as 80% of all cancers are due to identified factors, and thus are potentially preventable. (It is estimated that only 5-10% of all cancer cases are inherited.) 30% are due to tobacco use, and as much as 35-50% are due to foods. The evidence also indicates that although genetics is a factor in the development of cancer, cancer cannot be explained by heredity alone. Behavioral factors such as cigarette smoking, dietary choices, and physical activity modify the risk of cancer at all stages of its development. The introduction of healthful diet and exercise practices at any time from childhood to old age can promote health and reduce cancer risk. Stress can also lead to unhealthy and potentially cancer-causing habits which can contribute to an increased risk of developing cancer. There are things you can do to control these and other risk factors. Some recommendations include: • Eat a variety of healthful foods, with an emphasis on plant sources. • Eat foods as close to their natural state as possible. • If a food will not rot or sprout, then throw it out. • Shop the perimeter (outside aisles) of the grocery store. Avoid heavily processed foods. • Eat five or more servings of a variety of vegetables and fruits each day. • Choose whole grains in preference to processed (refined) grains and sugars. • Limit consumption of red meats, especially those high in fat and processed. • Choose foods that help maintain a healthful weight. • Adopt a physically active lifestyle - Adults: engage in at least moderate activity for 30 minutes or more on 5 or more days of the week; 45 minutes or more of moderate to vigorous activity on 5 or more days per week may further enhance reductions in the risk of breast and colon cancer. Children and adolescents: engage in at least 60 minutes per day of moderate to vigorous physical activity at least 5 days per week. • Balance caloric intake with physical activity. • Lose weight if currently overweight or obese. • If you drink alcoholic beverages, limit consumption. • Reduce or cut out tobacco use • Increase your intake of cancer fighting foods • Avoid sugar. Cancer loves sugar. Some even feel cancer thrives on most carbohydrates too, so it would make sense to limit some of these too such as corn and potatoes. For information on this, go to • Deal with stress before allowing it to overtake you. Consider utilizing mind/body approaches or stress reduction techniques. • Avoid pesticides and products that have cancer causing ingredients
Drs, and the AMA will push anything for $$$ -- used to Promote, Smoking NOW it's drugs. Both are DEADLY to ALL of us !!    REMEMBER THESE ?

1 comment:

  1. PLEASE read Dr. Warburg & understand BASIC science. An Acidic environment is fatal to Cancer cells. Maintain proper pH in Pools or DO NOT GO INTO AN acidic pool !

    ANYONE can Beat Cancer Go ALKALINE !!!
